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Hat Heads| 6 Celebs Who'd Look Good Wearing Blasé and Co Snap Snaps

Blasé and Company prides itself in being on the pulse of popular society as our fan base includes some of the worlds most known people. In scanning the landscape of celebrity, we often notice folks who would look really great in our snap snaps. We decided to compile a list of the "big 6," celebs who would look fly in our snap backs. 

1. Will Smith - The original cool and hip hop's first Grammy winner. If anyone is the definition of being legendary, aspiring, selfless and endearing, it's the fresh prince of hip  hop.

2. Jason Biggs - Piper's husband would look very handsome in one of our snap snaps. Blase and Co's purple snap back would go well with his skin tone. 

3. Trey Songz - No explanation needed.

4. Chris Brown - See what we put for Trey Songz, ha!

5. J. Cole - It's only right that a rapper with a message should wear a hat with a message.

6. Jay Z - We can't deny that Hov's swag is always on point. We also can't deny that he could add to his freshness with Blase and Co snap snaps.

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